Entries by David Gordon

Sunday Drawing, March 13, 2011

I can accidentally come back to a drawing approach that I had forgotten about and rediscover its virtues in a deeper way. It can seem cyclical. On Sunday I started the drawing session using the side of a broken piece of graphite about an inch long. I worked the short, one minute poses placing touches […]

Compositional Rescue

At this point I feel that I am pretty far along in the painting, so it is somewhat disheartening to find a major compositional flaw that I won’t be able to live with. Oil paint is a very malleable medium so I know I can change almost anything, but it is disconcerting to realize that […]


Here is result of another unplanned, creative process that I like to work with. When I am cleaning my pallet, I scrape off the paint with a pallet knife and spread it on a canvas. I often have several canvases on the go in my studio and and just keep working on them like that […]