Here is result of another unplanned, creative process that I like to work with. When I am cleaning my pallet, I scrape off the paint with a pallet knife and spread it on a canvas. I often have several canvases on the go in my studio and and just keep working on them like that until I see a direction I want to move in. Then I start squeezing out the paint. This particular painting is has been developing for about a month and I finally finished it last night. (I think it’s finished, but I may still see changes that I want to make.)
I worked on the Rooftop Dancers all morning instead of going to life drawing. It is feeling like a slow process. There are so many elements that I am bringing together: the faces, hands, position, the buildings and the light. It was a good morning. I worked steadily and like the changes I made but at lunch, I realized how much more work is required. Sometimes it feels like it is taking too long, but I am also happy to keep working away.